Furman Sound Power Supply PS 8 User Manual

Furman Sound, Inc.  
1997 South McDowell Blvd.  
Petaluma, California 94954-6919 USA  
Phone: 707-763-1010 • Fax: 707-763-1310  
Power Sequencer  
MODELS PS-8, PS-8R, PS-8E and PS-8RE  
Instruction Sheet  
PS-8 ꢀeatures  
Power Sequencing ꢀeatures  
Power-up in three delayed outlet groups  
Power-down reverses sequence  
Using the PS-8 is a simple and inexpensive way to apply and  
remove power in a controlled, repeatable, foolproof 3-step  
sequence. It is ideal when large installations must be switched by  
inexperienced personnel.  
Triple-mode varistor spike and surge suppression  
RFI filtering with multi-stage pi filter  
Power Status LED’s indicate which outlet groups have power  
Mains Wiring indicators monitor wiring integrity, show Normal  
and five kinds of faults  
The PS-8 provides three outlet pairs labeled Delay 1, Delay 2,  
and Delay 3, that receive power approximately 1/2, 5, and 10  
seconds, respectively, after the front panel switch is thrown to “ON.”  
When thrown to “OFF,” the sequence is reversed, with Delay 3  
losing power after approximately 1/2 second, Delay 2 after 5  
seconds, and Delay 1 after 10 seconds. See the rear panel  
illustration on the next page.The turn-on delay intervals are factory  
preset at these durations, but may be altered by means of an  
internal trimpot adjustment (see “Adjusting the Delay Intervals”  
below for details). In addition to the delayed outlets, a single front  
panel outlet and a rear panel pair are unswitched.Power is available  
at the unswitched outlets regardless of the position of the front  
panel (or remote) switch. All rear panel outlets are standard 120V,  
15A duplex types. Isolated-ground “Super Spec” outlets are  
available by special order.  
Rated 15 amps  
Remote option allows turn-on and turn-off at a distance  
simply by connecting a momentary or maintained-contact  
switch (and LED if desired)  
Multiple units may be linked to handle higher currents and/or  
more than three delay groups  
Three pairs of switched outlets on rear panel  
Three unswitched outlets (one front, two rear)  
Circuit breaker  
Ten foot heavy duty A.C. cord  
Three year limited warranty  
In the event of a power out, of course all equipment plugged  
into a PS-8 will lose power simultaneously. However, when power  
is restored, the delayed outlet groups will again turn on in the  
usual delayed sequence.  
Congratulations on your purchase of a Furman PS-8 Power  
Sequencer, a well-designed, reliable, and simple to use product  
that will help you avoid many headaches involved in installing a  
rack full of complex equipment.  
We recommend that power amps receive power last —  
plug them all into Delay 3 or divide them into two groups and plug  
one group into Delay 2 and the other into Delay 3. Low level equip-  
ment such as mixers and signal processors should use Delay 1.  
Equipment incorporating clocks or timers such as VCR’s, or  
equipment that must respond to wireless remote actuation should  
use the unswitched outlets. We suggest keeping the front panel  
unswitched outlet free for equipment that is only in use temporarily.  
The overall capacity of the PS-8 is 15 amps. This refers to the  
combined steady-state current drawn by all devices plugged into  
all of its nine outlets. If this combined current level exceeds 15  
amps at any time, the circuit breaker will trip, cutting off power to  
your rack. If this occurs, you must reduce the load by unplugging  
one or more units from the PS-8. Then push the white button on  
The PS-8 Power Sequencer is needed whenever various  
kinds of equipment must be powered up or down in groups, rather  
than all simultaneously. In audio systems, sequenced powering is  
often necessary to allow turn-on transients from low level  
amplifiers and processors to settle down before any power amps  
are turned on, because simultaneous powering would result in a  
loud, annoying, and potentially destructive “pop” reaching the  
speakers. And in any large system whose components present  
an inductive load to the AC line (including electric motors, power  
supplies, and power amplifiers of all kinds), sequenced powering  
can avoid excessive inrush currents that cause circuit breakers to  
trip even though the steady-state currents are not excessive.  
Remote Switching (Units with “R” Suffix Only*)  
Model PS-8R and PS-8RE differ from the corresponding  
models without the Rsuffix in the addition of a barrier terminal  
strip on the rear panel that allows a switch to be connected to turn  
the unit on and off at a distance, and also in the START ON-OFF  
SEQUENCE pushbutton on the front panel.  
In the most basic configuration, only two Class 1 wires and an  
SPST switch are needed to initiate an ON or OFF sequence.The  
switch may be either a momentary or maintained-contact type. If  
a third wire is used, an LED may also be installed at the remote  
end to indicate that the power is on.  
When first plugged in (or after power is lost and reapplied for  
any reason) the "memory" state is OFF. This means the unit will  
be OFF even if the front panel on/off rocker switch is on. It will stay  
off until sequenced on by a momentary connection of the REM IN  
terminal to +12V. The sequence starts on the rising edge of the  
The front panel START ON-OFF SEQUENCE switch is in par-  
allel with, and functionally equivalent to, one or more remote mo-  
mentary switches connected to the barrier strip in the rear.  
The memoryis independent of the front panel on/off rocker  
switch. This means that even if the unit is sequenced OFF by the  
rocker switch on the front panel, when the rocker switch is turned  
back on the unit will sequence back on it will not be necessary  
to push the START ON-OFF SEQUENCE button again. The unit  
remembersits state until the incoming power is lost, which would  
then default back to OFF.  
The front panel rocker is not the primary means of control in  
momentary mode, and should normally be left ON. It may be  
a useful secondary means of control in the rare case of having  
several PS-8Rs in parallel, if there is some reason to shut down  
one unit without affecting the others.  
Because it is a maintained-contact switch, the RS-1 is not an  
appropriate remote switch for the PS-8R when it is in momentary  
mode.The momentary-contact RS-2 would be the correct choice.  
Maintained vs. Momentary Contact Switching  
Maintained switches, such as most toggle switches and  
push-on/push-off button switches (including the Furman RS-1),  
stay open until thrown, then stay closed until thrown again.  
Momentary switches, usually pushbutton types like the Furman  
RS-2, are normally open and stay closed only as long as the button  
is pressed. An on-off switch of either kind may be used to actuate  
the PS-8s remote operation.  
Maintained switches are generally most convenient when there  
is only one remote location. When more than one switch location  
is required, momentary switches allow the sequence to be started  
from any location.  
PS-8R units come factory-set for maintained operation. They  
may be easily converted to momentary operation by moving  
a jumper plug on the PS-8Rs circuit board. To do this:  
1. Disconnect the unit from AC power.  
2. Remove the four screws that secure the top cover.  
3. In the rear left corner of the circuit board, there is an area  
labeled REMOTE CONTROL.There are two pairs of terminals  
in this area, one labeled MAINTAINEDand the other  
MOMENTARY.There is a small black jumper linking the  
MAINTAINED terminals. Slide it up and off, and replace  
itsecurely over the MOMENTARY terminals.  
Multiple Units  
You can use more than one PS-8R to handle loads that ex-  
ceed 15 amps.The power input for each PS-8R should come from  
a separate 15 amp AC circuit. To control PS-8Rs remotely with  
one or more remote switches, connect the REM IN +12V (and  
optionally GND) terminals of all units together. Be sure that the  
mode (momentary or maintained) of all units is set the same. Con-  
nect a single maintained switch or one or more momentary  
switches to the nearest PS-8R, as discussed above. If you are  
unsure whether your building wiring can accommodate multiple  
fully-loaded PS-8s or PS-8Rs, consult a qualified electrician.  
If multiple PS-8Rs are controlled by one or more momentary  
remote switches, they will all change state (from on to off or vice  
versa) on each rising edge of the voltage on the REM IN terminal.  
Any remote switch AND any of the grey pushbuttons on any units  
front panel will toggle all the units.The rocker switch on each units  
front panel will turn off any individual unit that is currently on, with-  
out affecting the other units.  
The STATUS lines work the same in either mode. Each  
reflects the true state of the outlets of its unit, and is affected by  
both the memorizedstate and by the front panel rocker switch. A  
separate LED must be used to indicate the status of each PS-8R.  
To take care of the case of having several PS-8Rs in parallel  
that somehow get out of sync such that every time a remote  
button is pushed, some units turn on and others turn off, there is  
a special feature of the remote signal line:  
Holding the REM line high for at least 4 seconds (whether by  
an actual remote switch or by any unit's front panel switch) will  
force all units to the OFF state, which will put them back in sync.  
This is the only way to re-sync units other than disconnecting AC  
power to all the units. Remember operating the front panel  
rocker switch does NOT affect the stored state of the unit, even  
though it does temporarily turn the outputs off.  
This section covers the case of multiple units in parallel  
(all sequences initiate simultaneously). See AC Relay Accessory  
PS-RELon the following page for a discussion of wiring multiple  
units in series.  
4. Reattach the top cover.  
Maintained Mode  
A simple connection of the REM IN terminal to the +12V  
terminal initiates an OFF sequence. Disconnecting it initiates an  
ON sequence. If the cable run is long, it is recommended that the  
REM IN wire be tied to the PS-8Rs GND terminal during ON op-  
eration rather than leaving it floating. This will require the use of a  
third conductor and a double-throw switch.  
The STATUS terminal is an output that may be used to  
illuminate an LED at the remote location to indicate that power is  
available at the PowerPorts outlets. If it is high (+5V), the unit is  
ON (or at least in the process of sequencing ON); if low, the unit is  
OFF (or sequencing OFF). Simply connect the indicator LED  
between STATUS and ground (do not use a series resistor). If the  
LED does not light when the switch is in the ON position, check  
the polarity and reverse the LED leads (if it is wrong). If a Furman  
RS-1 is the controlling switch, contact Furmans Tech Support de-  
partment for the proper wiring diagrams.  
In Maintained Mode, DO NOT USE the START ON-OFF SE-  
QUENCEswitch on the front panel. If you do, you may  
activate an unintended partial turn-off sequence.  
Momentary Mode  
In Momentary Mode, the PS-8R has "memory" it only needs  
a momentary signal from the remote switch to change its state  
from ON to OFF.  
*Momentary mode switching is not available in PS-8Rs with serial numbers below H12757.  
AC Relay Accessory PS-REL  
The AC Relay Accessory (model PS-REL) is a sensor which  
can close a switch in response to the presence of AC power,  
while only drawing a minimal amount of that power. It is  
necessary whenever a PS-8R must be turned on in response to  
energizing a switched outlet, where that outlet is rated less than  
15 amps or is not grounded. This occurs frequently in home  
theaterinstallations when a small ungrounded switched outlet  
on a preamp or receiver (often activated by a wireless remote  
device) is to be used to power up a large amount of equipment.  
The AC Relay Accessory may also be used to allow a PS-8R to  
be hooked up in series to a PS-8 (or another PS-8R) to double  
the number of delayed turn-on/turn-off groups, by having the  
relay sense the presence of power at the DELAY 3 outlet of the  
The PS-REL is simply a small box containing a relay. A  
two-prong AC plug on a 6 foot cord activates the relay, and two  
wires ending in terminals connect to the relay contacts. These  
two wires should be connected to the +12V and REM IN screw  
terminals of the PS-8R, with the PS-RELs AC plug in the outlet to  
be sensed.The PS-8R itself should be plugged into a separate 15  
amp electrical circuit.When AC power appears at the sensed outlet,  
the PS-8R will begin its turn-on sequence and will be able to sup-  
ply its full rated 15 amps.  
Maximum load:  
PS-8: 15 amps (1800 watts at 120 VAC)  
PS-8E: 10 amps (2300 watts at 230 VAC)  
PS-8: 85 to 135 VAC; PS-8E: 190 to 270 VAC  
Input Voltage Range:  
Mains Wiring Analyzer: Detects 1 normal mode and 5 fault modes  
Delay Interval:  
Remote Switch  
(PS-8R only):  
5 seconds (adjustable with internal trimpot)  
Momentary or maintained action.  
Screw terminals, 3 for switch, 1 additional  
for optional LED (22 ga. wiring minimum).  
Spike Protection Modes: Line to neutral, neutral to ground, line to ground  
Spike Clamping Voltage: PS-8: TVSS rating 400V peak, L-N, N-G, L-G  
(tested to UL 1449). PS-8E: 500V peak  
Response Time:  
1 nanosecond  
Maximum Surge Current: 6,500 amps (8 x 20 ms pulse)  
Maximum Spike Energy: 80 joules per mode, 240 joules total protection  
(“E” versions 130 joules L-N, 160 joules N-G,  
L-G, 450 joules total)  
Noise Attenuation:  
PS-8 and PS-8R: Transverse and common modes:  
20 dB at 200 kHz, rising to >40 dB, 1 to 100 MHz  
Dimensions: 1.75" H x 19" W x 8" D.  
Weight: 6 lbs (2.7 kg).  
Construction: Steel chassis, zinc chromate plating;  
.125" brushed and black anodized aluminum front  
panel; 3 oz. copper double-sided glass epoxy printed  
circuit board  
Power Consumption:  
Switch off: 6 watts  
Switch on: 8.5 watts  
Blinking DELAY 1 Indicator  
Safety Agency Approvals: UL, CUL, CE listed.  
The DELAY 1 LED on a PS-8R blinks whenever the unit is  
OFF due to the remote switch. In Maintained Mode, this will only  
occur when the REM IN terminal is tied to +12V. In Momentary  
Mode, the LED blinks if the memorizedstate is OFF.  
The Furman PS-8 is manufactured in the U.S.A.  
Three Year Limited Warranty  
Related Products  
The Furman PS-8, PS-8E, PS-8R, and PS-8RE are warranted against  
failures due to defective parts or faulty workmanship for a period of three  
years after delivery to the original owner. During this period, Furman will  
make any necessary repairs without charge for parts or labor. Shipping  
charges to the factory or repair station must be prepaid by the owner;  
return shipping charges (via UPS Ground) will be paid by Furman. This  
warranty applies only to the original owner and is not transferable. Also, it  
does not apply to repairs done other than by the Furman factory or its  
Authorized Repair Stations.  
The PS-8R, along with other Furman AC power accessories,  
can be an integral part of a complete AC power control system.  
Visit our website or contact uswell send you our AC Power  
System Application Suggestionsbrochure, and Furmans new  
color catalog.  
This warranty may be cancelled by Furman at its sole discretion if the  
unit has been subjected to physical abuse or has been modified in any  
way without written authorization from Furman. Furmans liability under  
this warranty is limited to repair or replacement of the defective unit.  
Furman will not be responsible for incidental or consequential  
damages resulting from the use or misuse of its products. Some states do  
not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the  
above limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific  
legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to  
When returning any equipment for repair, please be sure that it is  
adequately packed and cushioned against damage in shipment, and that  
it is insured. Warranty claims should be accompanied by a copy of the  
originalpurchase invoice showing the purchase date (if a Warranty  
Registration Card was mailed in at the time of purchase, this is not neces-  
sary). Also, please enclose a note giving your name, address, phone  
number, and a description of the problem.  
Power Relays.  
15A, 20A, 30A  
PS-REL AC Relay  
RS-1 and RS-2  
Remote System  
Control Panels  
Before returning any equipment for repair, please be sure that it is  
adequately packed and cushioned against damage in shipment, and that  
it is insured. We suggest that you save the original packaging and use it  
to ship the product for servicing. Also, please enclose a note giving your  
name, address, phone number and a description of the problem.  
NOTE: All equipment being returned for repair must have a Return  
Authorization (RA) Number. To get an RA Number, please call the  
Furman Service Department, (707) 763-1010 ext. 40, between 8 a.m.  
and 5 p.m., U.S. Pacific Time. Please display your RA Number  
prominently on the front of all packages.  

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