Intel Sleep Apnea Machine 05 1850 004 User Manual

OA&M API for Linux Operating  
Programming Guide  
August 2005  
Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5  
About This Publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7  
Product Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9  
Event Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15  
Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17  
Application Development Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19  
Building Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23  
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide – August 2005  
Revision History  
This revision history summarizes the changes made in each published version of this document.  
Document No.  
Publication Date  
Description of Revisions  
August 2005  
General Guidelines section: Added information about freeing memory that is  
allocated for object pointers.  
March 2005  
Application Development Guidelines chapter: Added section about High Availability  
development guidelines. High Availability is a feature of cPCI boards. The Intel  
Dialogic System Release 6.1 Feature Release 2 for Linux supports PCI and  
cPCI boards.  
November 2004  
Product Description chapter: Noted that the CTPLATFORMVERSIONINFO data  
structure has been updated for the current release.  
Noted that Springware architecture boards only generate events on the  
NETWORK_ALARM_CHANNEL. DM3 architecture boards generate events on  
all four event service channels.  
Application Development Guidelines chapter: Removed section about High  
Availability development guidelines. High Availability is a feature of cPCI boards.  
The Intel Dialogic System Release 6.1 Feature Release 1 for Linux does not  
support cPCI boards.  
September 2002  
Initial version of document.  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
Revision History  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
About This Publication  
The following topics provide information about this publication:  
This publication provides guidelines for building applications using the Operations, Administration  
and Maintenance (OA&M) API. The OA&M API is used to create system management  
applications (for example, a customized CT bus clocking daemon).  
This publication is a companion guide to the OA&M API for Linux Operating Systems Library  
Reference that provides details on the classes, functions, error codes and events in the OA&M  
Intended Audience  
This publication is written for the following audience:  
System Integrators  
Toolkit Developers  
Independent Software Vendors (ISVs)  
Value Added Resellers (VARs)  
Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)  
How to Use This Publication  
Refer to this publication after you have installed the hardware and the system software that  
includes the OA&M API library.  
This publication assumes that you are familiar with the Linux operating system and the C++  
programming language. If you are developing a CT Bus management application, you should also  
have a thorough understanding of CT Bus clocking concepts (Primary, Secondary and Network  
Reference clock masters).  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
About This Publication  
The information in this guide is organized as follows:  
Chapter 1, “Product Description” provides an overview of the OA&M API.  
Chapter 2, “Event Handling” describes how to register with the OA&M event notification  
framework and handle OA&M events.  
Chapter 3, “Error Handling” describes the exception handling capabilities provided by the  
Chapter 4, “Application Development Guidelines” provides guidelines when developing  
applications from the OA&M API.  
Chapter 5, “Building Applications” provides guidelines for building applications with the  
Related Information  
Refer to the following documents and Web sites for more information:  
OA&M API for Linux Operating Systems Library Reference  
Intel DM3 Architecture Products on Linux Configuration Guide  
Intel Springware Architecture Products on Linux Configuration Guide  
Intel Dialogic System Release on Linux Administration Guide  
High Availability for Linux Operating System Demo Guide  
Intel NetStructure IPT Series on Linux Configuration Guide  
System Release Guide  
System Release Update (for CT Bus clocking specifications)  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
roduct Description  
This chapter describes the OA&M API. The following topics are included:  
OA&M API Overview  
The classes and functions of the OA&M API support the development of applications that facilitate  
the Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OA&M) of Intel Dialogic systems. For  
example, you can create a system management application that monitors CT Bus clocking fault  
events and automatically performs clock reference (Primary, Secondary, or Network Reference)  
recovery without user intervention.  
The classes in the OA&M API can be divided into the following three categories:  
System Component classes (CCTDomain, ICTNode, ICTBoard, ICTClockAgent). The  
System Component classes allow you to instantiate objects that represent the various  
components of your Intel Dialogic system (domain, node, boards, clocking agents). After an  
object has been instantiated, you can use the member functions of its class to  
programmatically obtain, and in some cases change, the object’s attributes.  
Exception class (CCTDasiException). The exception class defines the exception objects that  
can be generated by functions in the CCTDomain, ICTNode, ICTBoard, and ICTClockAgent  
Event notification framework classes (DlgAdminConsumer, CEventHandlerAdaptor). The  
event notification framework classes allow you to instantiate objects that receive and process  
OA&M events.  
Figure 1 depicts the names and member functions of each class included in the OA&M API library.  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
Product Description  
Figure 1. OA&M API Classes  
The features available through the OA&M API include the following:  
Get version information (major release number, release build number, service pack number,  
feature pack number, service update number, feature release number etc.) about the Intel  
Dialogic system software that is installed on a node (ICTNode class).  
Note: The CTPLATFORMVERSIONINFO data structure has been updated as part of the  
current system software release. To incorporate the updates, you must recompile any  
existing application that uses the CTPLATFORMVERSIONINFO data structure or  
the ICTNode::GetSystemReleaseVersionInfo( ) function. Refer to the OA&M API  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
Product Description  
for Linux Operating Systems Library Reference for information about the  
CTPLATFORMVERSIONINFO data structure and the  
ICTNode::GetSystemReleaseVersionInfo( ) function.  
Get physical identification information (serial number, PCI slot number, number of network  
interface trunks, etc.) about individual DM3 architecture or Springware architecture boards  
(ICTBoard class).  
Get the Addressable Unit Identifier (AUID) of an individual DM3 architecture or Springware  
architecture board (ICTBoard class).  
Get the AUID of a board’s clocking agent (ICTClockAgent class).  
Get the TDM bus capabilities of a board's clocking agent (ICTClockAgent class).  
Get the TDM bus configuration of a board's clocking agent (ICTClockAgent class).  
Set the TDM bus configuration of a board’s clocking agent (ICTClockAgent class).  
Receive asynchronous OA&M events from the event notification framework  
(DlgAdminConsumer class).  
Instantiate event handler objects. Event handler objects are invoked when DlgAdminConsumer  
objects receive events from the event notification framework (CEventHandlerAdaptor class).  
OA&M API Class Hierarchy  
The System Component classes of the OA&M API (CCTDomain, ICTNode, ICTBoard, and  
ICTClockAgent) are organized into a hierarchy as shown in Figure 1, “OA&M API Classes”, on  
page 10. Since the CCTDomain class resides at the top of the class hierarchy, each application built  
from the OA&M API must first instantiate a CCTDomain object as an entry point into the OA&M  
system. You must then adhere to the class hierarchy as you instantiate other System Component  
objects. For example, since the ICTClockAgent class resides at the bottom of the OA&M API class  
hierarchy, you must instantiate and query all other System Component objects (CCTDomain,  
ICTNode, ICTBoard) until you reach the ICTClockAgent class.  
Refer to Chapter 4, “Application Development Guidelines” for procedural information about  
instantiating CCTDomain, ICTNode, ICTBoard, and ICTClockAgent objects.  
Event Notification Framework  
The event notification framework is the Intel Dialogic subsystem for sending asynchronous  
OA&M events to applications. The framework is implemented using supplier objects, consumer  
objects and event notification channels as shown in Figure 2:  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
Product Description  
Figure 2. Event Notification Framework  
(linked to for Linux)  
(linked to libdlgadminconsumerfw.lib for Windows) (Linux)  
libdlgadminconsumerfw.lib (Windows)  
object (registered  
object (registered with  
Listening for  
Series Board  
Series Board  
Series Board  
are idle in the figure shown above. These two channels are available,  
but do not have consumer objects registered to listen for events.  
Intel Dialogic system software components, such as device drivers and firmware, are the supplier  
objects. They generate events that are broadcast to consumer objects via the event notification  
channels. The DlgAdminConsumer class allows you to instantiate consumer objects and register  
them to receive events from one of the event notification channels. The CEventHandlerAdaptor  
class allows you to instantiate user-defined event handler objects that are invoked when  
DlgAdminConsumer objects receive events.  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
Product Description  
The framework contains the following event notification channels, each of which carries specific  
types of events:  
Notes: 1. DM3 architecture boards generate events on all four channels shown above. Springware  
architecture boards only generate NETWORK_ALARM_CHANNEL events.  
2. Each DlgAdminConsumer object can only monitor one event notification channel for incoming  
Refer to Chapter 2, “Event Handling” for more information about the event notification framework.  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
Product Description  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
Event Handling  
This chapter provides information about receiving and handling asynchronous events that are  
transmitted via the event notification framework.  
For your application to receive events from the event notification framework you must follow these  
1. Define and implement a class that is derived from the CEventHandlerAdaptor class.  
2. Provide an implementation of the CEventHandlerAdaptor::HandleEvent( ) function.  
3. Define an array of filters for use by the DlgAdminConsumer object using  
DlgEventService::AdminConsumer::FilterCallbackAssoc. Each DlgAdminConsumer object  
references an array of filters. The elements in the array determine the following:  
the event handler that is associated with the DlgAdminConsumer object. The  
implementation of the CEventHandlerAdaptor::HandleEvent( ) function is called  
when one of the events that is included in the array is received.  
the client data that is returned to the application after the associated event handler object  
has been invoked.  
the events that are allowed to pass to the DlgAdminConsumer object. If an event does not  
have an element in the filter array, the event is discarded and the DlgAdminConsumer  
object will not receive it.  
whether the event filter is enabled or disabled.  
4. Use the DlgAdminConsumer::DlgAdminConsumer( ) function to instantiate a consumer  
object. A pointer to the array initialized in step 3 is used as a parameter for the function.  
5. Call the DlgAdminConsumer::StartListening( ) function so that the consumer object can  
begin monitoring its associated event notification channel for events. When the  
DlgAdminConsumer::StartListening( ) function is called, the consumer object creates and  
runs in its own thread, allowing it to monitor its associated event notification channel without  
blocking the main application thread.  
When a DlgAdminConsumer object receives an event through its associated event notification  
channel, it compares the event’s msgId field to its filter array. If a matching filter is found, the  
associated event handler object is invoked.  
Note: When a DlgAdminConsumer object receives more than one event that is associated with the same  
event handler object, the DlgAdminConsumer object must return from the  
CEventHandlerAdaptor::HandleEvent( ) function before it can process the next event.  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
Event Handling  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
Error Handling  
This chapter describes the error handling capabilities provided by the OA&M API.  
When an error occurs during execution of a function in one of the System Component classes  
(CCTDomain, ICTNode, ICTBoard or ICTClockAgent), an exception is thrown. Exceptions can be  
caught and handled by including standard C++ try/catch blocks throughout your application code.  
The following sample try/catch block catches and handles an exception that is thrown when the  
application attempts to use an incorrect parameter (“” instead of “”) for the  
CCTDomain::GetNode( ) function:  
//Initiate and catch DLG_INVALID_SERVER exception  
cout<< "Initiating DLG_INVALID_SERVER exception:"<<endl;  
//Attempt to get node from domain using incorrect default parameter. Exception thrown.  
pNode = pDomain->GetNode("");  
catch (CCTDasiException e)  
cerr<<"Exception: "<<endl;  
cerr<<"Error Value: "<<hex<<e.m_dlgSysError<<endl;  
cerr<<"Error String: "<<e.m_errDesc<<endl;  
//continue processing  
The CCTDasiException class defines the exceptions that can be thrown by the CCTDomain,  
ICTNode, ICTBoard or ICTClockAgent member functions.  
For a complete list of error codes that can be included in CCTDasiException objects, refer to the  
OA&M API for Linux Operating Systems Library Reference.  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
Error Handling  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
pplication Development  
This chapter provides information about developing applications using the OA&M API. It includes  
the following sections:  
General Guidelines  
The OA&M API contains four System Component classes:  
When an object is created from any one of these classes, the class member functions can be  
invoked to provide information about the created object. However, classes in the OA&M API are  
arranged in a hierarchy as shown in Figure 1, “OA&M API Classes”, on page 10. Only  
CCTDomain objects can be directly instantiated. You must perform the following procedure to  
instantiate System Component objects in the OA&M API:  
1. Use the CCTDomain::CCTDomain( ) class constructor to instantiate an instance of the  
CCTDomain class.  
2. Use the CCTDomain::GetNode( ) function to get a pointer to an instance of the ICTNode  
class. The application is responsible for freeing the memory that is allocated for the pointer to  
the ICTNode object.  
3. Use the ICTNode::GetAllInstalledBoards( ) function to get a pointer to a C++ Standard  
Template Library (STL) list of pointers to ICTBoard objects. The application is responsible for  
freeing the memory that is allocated for the list of pointers to ICTBoard objects.  
4. Walk the returned board list and use the ICTBoard::GetClockingAgents( ) function to get a  
pointer to an STL list of pointers to ICTClockAgent objects. The application is responsible for  
freeing the memory that is allocated for the list of pointers to ICTClockAgent objects.  
You can then use any of the following functions to get/set the TDM bus information of any one of  
the ICTClockAgent objects in the returned STL list:  
ICTClockAgent::GetTDMBusCapabilities( )  
ICTClockAgent::GetTDMBusConfiguration( )  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
Application Development Guidelines  
ICTClockAgent::SetTDMBusConfiguration( )  
Designing CT Bus Clocking Applications  
If you are using any of ICTClockAgent class member functions (for example, to develop a  
customized system clocking daemon) you must disable the clocking daemon that is included with  
the Intel Dialogic system software by editing the ClockDaemonMode parameter in the dlgsys.cfg  
file. Refer to either of the following documents for more information about disabling the  
ClockDaemonMode parameter via the dlgsys.cfg file:  
Intel DM3 Architecture Products on Linux Configuration Guide  
Intel Springware Architecture Products on Linux Configuration Guide  
Intel Dialogic System Release on Linux Administration Guide  
Intel NetStructure IPT Series on Linux Configuration Guide  
Designing High Availability into Applications  
This section provides instructions for using various Intel Dialogic libraries to develop  
applications that support peripheral hot swap. The board replacement could be driven by an  
application (for example, if statistics are showing a degradation of service) or could be driven by an  
operator (for example, periodic hardware maintenance).  
The following procedure provides information on developing applications that support Basic Hot  
1. Register your application to receive events from the OA&M event notification framework  
according to the procedure outlined in Chapter 2, “Event Handling”.  
2. When a CP/SP fault, CT Bus clocking fault or network alarm event is transmitted via the event  
notification framework, the event’s payload contains the AUID of the board that generated the  
3. Once the application has a board’s AUID, use the  
SRLGetVirtualBoardsOnPhysicalBoard( ) and SRLGetSubDevicesOnVirtualBoard( )  
functions to retrieve the list of virtual devices (“dxxx”, “dti” etc.) on a board. This allows the  
application to cross-reference physical boards with virtual devices. For more information  
about these functions, see the Standard Runtime Library API for Linux and Windows  
Operating Systems Library Reference.  
Note: As a general HA application rule, you should design your application to  
accommodate the dynamic removal/insertion of virtual devices. Do not include  
permanent references to virtual device names within your application; instead,  
depend on the SRL device mapper functions to get virtual device names.  
4. The Standard Runtime Library functions can be used to determine the virtual devices on the  
board with the specified AUID, and the devices can be closed using dx_close( ), dt_close( ),  
5. When all virtual devices on a board have been closed, you can call the stopbrdutility to stop  
the board.  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
Application Development Guidelines  
6. When the stopbrdutility successfully stops the board, use the removebrdutility to notify  
the system that the board is being removed.  
7. Physically remove the board from the chassis when the board’s Out of Service (Blue) LED  
8. Insert a new board into the chassis, configure it according to the procedures in the appropriate  
Configuration Guide and invoke the startbrdutility.  
9. When a board has been started, a DLGC_EVT_BLADE_STARTED event is transmitted on  
the OA&M event notification framework’s ADMIN_CHANNEL. Use the AUID from the  
event’s payload, along with the Standard Runtime Library functions and virtual device  
functions (dx_open( ), dt_open( ), etc.) to determine the virtual devices that are on the newly  
inserted board and open the board’s virtual devices.  
10. Once the board’s virtual devices are opened, the board can be used by your application.  
Refer to the System Release Administration Guide for information about the stopbrd,  
removebrd, and startbrdutilities.  
Refer to the High Availability for Linux Operating System Demo Guide for information on  
executing the High Availability demo programs included with the Intel Dialogic System  
Refer to the Intel DM3 Architecture Products on Linux Configuration Guide or the Intel  
NetStructure IPT Series on Linux Configuration Guide for complete information about  
configuring the boards.  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
Application Development Guidelines  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
Building Applications  
This chapter provides general information for building applications that use the OA&M library.  
The following topics are included in this chapter:  
Compiling and Linking  
An application that uses the OA&M API library must include references to the OA&M API header  
files and must include the appropriate library files. This information is provided in the following  
Include Files  
The following header file contains equates and #include directives that are required by all  
applications that uses the OA&M library:  
primary OA&M API header file  
The following header files are required by applications that receive and process events from the  
OA&M event notification framework:  
defines the DlgAdminConsumer class  
defines the CEventHandlerAdaptor class  
includes the payload format for ADMIN_CHANNEL events  
includes the payload format for CLOCK_EVENT_CHANNEL events  
provides the definitions of all event channels  
includes the payload format for FAULT_CHANNEL events  
includes the payload format for NETWORK_ALARM_CHANNEL events  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
Building Applications  
defines the generic data structure for OA&M events  
Note: User-defined header files that provide an implementation of the CEventHandlerAdaptor class (i.e.,  
adminhandler.h) and override its CEventHandlerAdaptor::HandleEvent( ) function also need to  
be included in any application that receives and processes OA&M events.  
Required Libraries  
The following library file must be linked to all applications that use the OA&M API:  
primary OA&M API shared object file  
The following library file must be linked to applications that receive and process events from the  
OA&M event notification framework:  
shared object file that contains event consumer objects  
Variables for Compiling and Linking  
In System Release 6.0 and later, the following variables are included to provide a standardized way  
of referencing the directories that contain header files and shared objects:  
variable that points to the directory where header files are stored.  
variable that points to the directory where shared library files are stored.  
These variables are automatically set at login and should be used in compiling and linking  
commands. The following is an example of a compiling and linking command that uses these  
cc -I${INTEL_DIALOGIC_INC} -o myapp myapp.c -L${INTEL_DIALOGIC_LIB} -lgc  
Note: It is strongly recommended that developers begin using these variables when compiling and linking  
applications since they will be required in future releases. The name of the variables will remain  
constant, but the values may change in future releases.  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
array of filters 15  
CCTDasiException 9, 17  
CEventHandlerAdaptor 12, 15  
class heirarchy 11, 19  
client data 15 24 24  
library files 24  
CT Bus 8  
msgId 15  
dasi.h 23  
virtual 20  
removebrd utility 21  
DlgAdminConsumer 12  
dlgadminconsumer.h 23  
dlgadminevents.h 23  
dlgadminmsg.h 23  
Springware 11, 13  
dlgcclockingevents.h 23  
dlgcnetworkalarmevents.h 23  
dlgcprocfaultevents.h 23  
dlgeventproxydef.h 24  
DM3 11, 13  
standard runtime library 20  
standard template library 19  
startbrd utility 21  
stopbrd utility 21  
system component 9  
system component classes 17, 19  
event handler 15  
event notification  
classes 9  
try/catch code 17  
exceptions 9, 17  
virtual devices 20  
filter array 15  
header files 23  
heirarchy of classes 11  
hot swap 20  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  
OA&M API for Linux Programming Guide — August 2005  

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